Who has done the 3 hr glucose test?

My Dr is sending me to my local hospital to do my 3 hr test. I'm wondering if they'll put me in a room? Can I request that? Also, for anyone who did it at a hospital, did they put an iv in to avoid 4 pokes? Do you think I could request that as well. I absolutely hate needles and I'm dreading drinking this drink. The 50g bottle made me so sick I felt like I had a hangover all day. Im just trying to avoid vomiting or worse, passing out. I came very close during the 1 hr and they expect me to drink 100g in 5 minutes 😓 I Was going to refuse but I need to suck it up for the sake of my baby bc gd is no joke. Ugh. Tell me your experience I need to know what I'm in for.