Can someone please help me?? TMI

So I had my daughter 3 weeks ago and my bleeding the past couple of days has been like nothing at all. It isn't even red. Its been like a fleshy color. Yesterday I went and I worked out. Alibi did was walk on the treadmill, lift some weights (they only weighed 6 pounds), one set of lunges (i went easy on those) and hit a volleyball back and forth a couple of times. I just went to the bathroom and I bled some. Actual blood again. There wasn't a lot at all. I have felt a little bit of period cramping but that's been going on for a couple of days. Skill I be concerned or did I just work my body to much to soon?? Can some one give me some advise please?? And please no rude comments. I'm a FTM. Thank you!