Baby boy is here 😍😍😍

My scary yet amazing birth experience,
After being sent home Saturday with a low AFI of 5.5, I returned Sunday morning to find out my AFI went down to 2.5. I was pumped with fluids all night and rechecked in the morning where there was not much of a change. The dr on call decided to induce me. They started to get a room ready for me and began the induction, in this time my family started showing up( mom and sister) my FiancΓ© never left my side. The nurses made their shift changes as well as Drs which was such a relief as I would now be dealing with my Dr. Contractions began and they were tolerable, getting stronger and more regular, but was still only 4cm, after about 2hrs of being on the Oxytocin drip my water broke and was 5cm, then I requested my epidural and was quick and easy, and boy was I looking forward to that relief. Laying on my side in the bed I began feeling the contractions on my right side, I told the nurse and so the anastegiologist came in and gave me a large dose, however I could still feel everything on my left side, by this time about 20mins after I got epidural and was at 5cm I jumped to 8cm, and the epidural was no longer working at all and they said it was a failed epidural, they called my dr in and by the time he arrived 10-20mins I was already 10cm and ready to push, I felt EVERYTHING, however I breathed through the contractions and pushed him out in 4pushes. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice but he was perfect. When it was time to deliver the placenta I began to hemorrhage and had two more IVs placed to give medicine to stop the bleeding my Blood Pressure plumitted and was shot in the leg with epinephrine. I was scared because I could see the cobweb in the Drs eyes. But he got the bleeding to slow and I was finally able to hold my lil man. I'm still sore and exhausted but he's so worth every ounce of pain, meet
Clayton Christi-Logan, born 9/19/16
7lbs and 8oz, 18inches long