public breastfeeding-why there is no middle ground.

The whole point is that women should not only be free to breast feed their children in public-but they should be able to do it without dirty looks and nasty comments. The whole point is that it should be normal, not sexualized. That we shouldn't feel ashamed to feed our children and do what our bodies were made to do.
So for women to say things like "I'm all for breast feeding, but at least cover up a bit." Or "you don't need to whip your boob out just because you can." It really doesn't do any good.
If you personally choose to cover up because that's how you feel comfortable, that's great-behave how you feel comfortable. If you are trying to shame another woman into having to put a cover over her baby in order to feed him/her that's just wrong!
And Brest feeding mothers(at least anybinhave ever met or talked to) aren't whipping their boobs out just because they can. That's whatbdrunk college students do on spring break-not breast feeding mothers. It's not as if we walk around with our breasts hanging out if he front of our shirts waiting on a hungry baby to pass by. We are covered and dressed just like anybody else...when our baby gets hungry we take that breast out to feed, then put it back when we are done.
Breast feeding is difficult enough without women being made to feel ashamed of their bodies every time they have to feed their child in a public place.