Tell me I'm not the only one 😭 FTM worries!

I will be 15 weeks tomorrow and it's a constant worry if my baby is okay. Not being able to feel the baby yet and not really showing yet doesn't give me any peace of mind. I wish I could have an ultrasound everyday but I know that's not realistic. My last ultrasound was 12wk6days pregnant and everything was great and strong heartbeat. I feel like I constantly hear and read stories about silent miscarriages and it scares the crap out of me. I was also sick for 2 weeks coughing and sneezing and worry that can hurt my baby but I read it has no effect on baby. I don't feel like I'm stressing about but it is constantly something I think about. I am going on Saturday for an extra ultrasound for gender reveal and it just can not come fast enough! Anyone feel this? Is it a first time mom thing?