mom troubles

Hey ladies! I'm currently 15w6days preggers with my rainbow baby. I've always had a really strong realationship with my mom; and I really want to share this time with her. I have so many questions and concerns that I want to talk to her about. But every time I try talking to her about new developments it feels like she shuts me down. 
For instance; I told her I was feeling small flutters at 14 weeks, and she said: it's way too early to be feeling that. 
Or I told her I had been feeling some pain in my hips and across my lower tummy; and she said that doesn't happen until your third trimester. I then showed her an article that said that the pain is normal at this time, due to stretching ligaments. To which she said; you're a highly impressionable person. It's probably in your head. 
I love my mother; and I want to share each new blessed moment. 
Any advice?