I never thought I would be able to get pregnant

I never thought I would be able to get pregnant. I have stuggled with ovarian cyst for 4-5 years. I have been trying to get pregnant for the last four years. The other day I realized I was 6 days late for my period. My breast were very sore and I was peeing ALL the time. When I get my period, my ovarys act up a day before. I was having weird stomach pain but new it was my period or cyst on my ovarys. My boyfriend kept telling me that I'm pregnant, I would get really upset with him, told him to stop getting my hopes up, cause I would buy a test and it would be negative or I would my period. But as the 6 day came around, having weird feelings, not cyst problems and peeing a lot, I decided to go buy a test. I went to Walmart, bought a two pack of first response. Went back to work, waited till break time. On my break I went to the bathroom, opened up a test, while I told myself, even tho it will be negative, we need to get it out of the way. My periods are never late, especially 6 days. As I was peeing the pee was going thru the test and I instantly seen two lines ( did not take the 2-3 mins like the package says ) and i instantly started bawling. I called my mom right away, she's so happy for me, as we all thought this day would never come. In joy and disbelief. I was so overwhelmed I left work early, went home took another test, it wa a positive. Called the doctors, set up an appt. went in the same day, and sure enough, I left with positive test. I'm 5 weeks pregnant, and due May 23rd. My first ultrousond is October 12th. My boyfriend is happy but scared, as for me, I've wanted nothing more than to be a mother. 💕