Finally posting after baby is born!

Shameka • I`m a 30 year old female, wife and mother of 4 beautiful children. I just recently gave birth to my last child, a baby by we named Malachi, on July 31st! I am learning to love my role as a mom of 4, though I never thought I could do that. God had a plan f

So I haven't posted on here since being pregnant, but I read posts on here all the time and comment occasionally! So my baby girl was due on September 27th! I went to the doctor on the 15th for my weekly appointment and was dilated to 2 centimeters, but baby was still high! So hoping to get baby to drop a walked once I got home. Me and my husband also decided to have sex that afternoon as well... So around 5:30 I started having contractions and after a few I decided to time them! They were averaging 3 minuted apart... So im thinking I can't possibly be in labor they probably stop after an hour, but they didn't. So my mom got home (I was at her house while my husband works night shift) and tell her about the contractions. It's now around 8 so we head to the hospital! Thy checked me and I was 3 centimeters, but she was still high, so the nurse told me to walk for 30 minutes and see if that helps her drop! Well, I get to 4 centimeters after that and they admit me at around 11! So I labored through the night and finally got to 6 centimeters around 3! But since she was still not dropping they decided to raise the bed and have me sit up! Within an hour I started to feel like I had to poop and she was basically ready to come out! Once the doctor arrived, I pushed 3 times and she was out!

Alexandria Grace born September 16th at 38 weeks weighing 6lbs 12 oz!