relationship that is sinking

Shannon • mummy to Amelia♡
Ah men. I'm 21 and been with the other half for a year and a few months now. Everything was great. Til start of July this year. I'm also pregnant withy first. Only just came into the 2nd trimester. Obviously my hormones have been bad an all. But all he talks about is Shannon suck my dick. 24/7 no I won't. I'm always poorly and sensitive. He doesn't even ask if I'm okay. He refuses to work. He refuses to try and get any income in. He's been offered to work with my cousin which he is. He's earned 280£ so far. He's smashed the lot on crap. ( sweets. Crisps ). He's only bought a few little things for our baby. A bath and 2 blankets. That were cheap. For our 2 scans that we had so far due to a bleed I had. He had a face like a smacked ass. The lady who asked questions to him he didn't speak at all and showed no interest at all. He slags me off to my family. He slags my family off. He pulls faces when asked to do something. He's already got into my mums face shouting at her. I've had enough. He's possessive he says he'd rather be with me 24/7. My love for him is fading. I won't let him touch me. We don't kiss we don't hug. We don't say I love you anymore. Fed up. 
Sorry for long paragraph.