Nicu/ c-section/ all that 😪

Aaliyah • no money could buy this blessing 💞
I'll most likely be discharged today but I don't know if Im going to go stay in the nicu with my daughter or not. Of course I want to.. But I don't know how it's going to happen exactly. So far I've only changed her diaper once and did skin to skin once but held her a couple times. I feel like shitty ass because it's my baby.. I know everyone understands. I don't want to leave and miss out even more. What could I possibly do at home while she's still here.. Die right? That's what I was thinking. At the same time the nurses like to act like I'm incapable of doing anything just because she's been there and I've had to be in my room. What do you guys think? Say fuck it and get closer to my daughter?