Most horrible mother ever 😧😩

Need to vent 😥

So me and my husband live in a one bedroom apartment I got pregnant while I had the implanon inserted yes I was that 1 in 100 that gets pregnant, I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was about 14 weeks, my husband and I decided an abortion was the best thing I had set my mind that that was the best thing to do, but a couple of days later my husband came to me and say he wanted us to keep the baby and I agreed, after that he started working about 10 to 12 hours a day, I had a high risk pregnancy and was in bed so even though he was working all that hours we didn't had enough money since he also takes care of his mom, i dont feel any type of attachment to this baby and i had let my husband know this he said its normal and that this will change after baby is here well even with all that we still managed to save around 500 dollars to buy the baby the essential things she would be needing, yesterday we where on our way to buying her that when I felt like I needed to pee and ask him if we could go to the gas station, I went to the bathroom got out, got a water realized I didn't had my wallet and went to the bathroom again and my wallet wasnt there anymore this happen with in 20 seconds I went back out and no one was at the store,anymore and the parking lot was empty the only car was our car my boyfriend looked at me while I was crying and told me that it was okay, that everything was going to be okay that he was going to work harder to but our daughter stuff but ik this is all my fault, I'm so stupid, like how ?? My daughter will be here in less than 2 weeks and thanks to stupid me she won't even have the essential things she needs 😔😔😢😢😢