Preeclampsia anxiety.

I'm 31 weeks on Saturday. Today while doing laundry I started seeing these black dots everywhere with a few sparkles of light as well. It lasted about 15 seconds and I got very light headed. I drank some water and sat down. It happened again about 5 minutes later and I called my husband home from work. I then called the nurses line and she told me to take it easy today and to eat more often ( I hadn't had much to eat at that point). She said if it happened more or was accompanied by a headache to go get my BP checked.

Now, I have not had any issues with BP, no swelling or anything like that. However, I do suffer from pretty severe anxiety and now I can't stop thinking that I could have preeclampsia. I'm not sure how fast it comes on or how worried I should be. Like if I have it what will they do? Should I go to the ER if I see the flashes again?

Any kind words or advice would help! Thanks ladies!!