Complaining BF!

Seriously need some opinions. So me and my bf have been living together for about a month, and I've noticed he complains about me every single day. He is generally really positive and nice throughtout the day but then he will throw in something like "how come you never put your lingerie and heels on for me? You just always do the normal stuff. You're suppose to do that right away." And he says that I'm too messy, even thought I am not! Seriously I leave a few things on the table sometimes and clean it later, but so does he! He will act so disappointed in me like I killed a puppy or something. And he says I'm effortless, even thought I'm not. He complained the other day when I didn't carry a case of water up the stairs into the apartment (it was too heavy for me since I would have to carry it with two hands and have to open two door to get into the apartment, when he can easily carry it with one hand). He complains I don't do the dishes enough. He complains I leave stuff everywhere (which I don't even). And he just says little shit like that a lot. And the other day he complained that I haven't called and got internet for us and made a big deal about how I'm effortless but then when I said I would he said he didn't want it cuz it would keep us in the house too much... So why the hell did he have to complain to me in the first place?! He basically makes me feel like I'm not enough sometimes and I need to "try more". Ummmmm... I got two new jobs, I moved to a new town with him, I clean, I am sweet to him, give him bjs... What more does a guy want?! Apparently a lot more. 😑 So opinions! Do you guys think he's right... Or is he being rediculous?