Apparently im 5 months pregnant. 😂


So I was at work and this older lady I've never seen before but works with me, approached me.

Her: oh hi, so you're new here?

Me: yes ma'am

Then she stood there examining me. I was already getting bad vibes from this women. I thought she was looking at my tattoos.. Maybe she was. I don't know. But she was also looking at my belly. I find it rude to just stare.

Her: " I see that you're pregnant"

Me: "yes ma'am, I'm fixing to be 8 months pregnant"

Her: "so how many weeks?"

Me: "30"

Her: "No. Since there is 4 weeks in most of the months of the year that would make you... 5 months pregnant."

Then she just stood there rudely looking at me like she thinks I'm stupid.

I just stood there, looking at her in disbelief of how stupid this bitch is.

Me: "look, I'm not going to argue with you. I don't have the time or patience. I have a job to do." And walked away.

Like don't talk to me like I know nothing about my pregnancy. I KNOW exactly how far I am, you don't need to correct me. I know for a damn fact I'm NOT 5 months pregnant. Try to talk to me like I'm stupid when you're the one who is clueless...

Ooooohhh that pissed me off so badly. 😭 it makes me even more mad because I was being so respectful toward this bitch and nice and this is the treatment I get in return. Maybe its cause im new to my job and young? Maybe she's jealous? I don't know! -.-