1st Lap

Had a laparoscopy done yesterday for the 1st time after suspecting endo for a couple years. My ovaries and fallopian tubes were not affected much at all in my doctors words, which we already suspected because my hsg test was normal. His findings were mild-moderate confined to the posterior cul de sac..near my bowels. They cauterized and think this may help with pain and fertility moving forward. Follow up on Oct. 10th. We have been ttc for 17 months and before this had 3 rounds of 50 mg of clomid with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>. I'm not sure what our plan is from here, but at my pre-op appt my doctor said most likely would try a few more rounds if they found endo and we're able to remove. Looking for others to connect with on this lonely and emotional journey. If there is anyone who would like to share their experiences I would love some feedback and to hear about your journey! ❤ Love and prayers to all of you!