Need prayers please!

Beyond frustrated! I had a laparoscopy 5 weeks ago, in which my dr removed moderate endo and 4 cysts, one of which was actively bleeding and needed internal stitches. Monday I felt awful, horrible cramps and heavy bleeding, but thought it was just a bad "restart" of my so bad that I couldn't stand up and had to go to the ER. At that time they found a NEW cyst that had ruptured!! It was 50/50 on going back into surgery, thank goodness pain and bleeding got under control and didn't have to go into surgery but I'm so disheartened! Lap was supposed to fix my issues, but I feel like they are worse! 5 weeks and a new cyst?! Has anyone else had this happen? I feel so alone! TTC for 2 years and I never imagined this would be the road I had to walk :(