Emptions/ Out of Control Hormones

Hello everybody. I just had to make a post to get out of my frustration. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have had 2 miscarriages within a year.  Ever since I found out that I was pregnant me and my fiancé have fought almost everyday. And we argue it's over petty things. I just think that he doesn't understand me. He says that I'm mean and angry, which has been a result of this pregnancy and he doesn't understand or cares to understand. Then on top of that he has a child from a previous relationship and that is causing problems in our relationship because the child is BAD! He's disrespectful and he talks to adults like they are a children. I'm 24 years old, I do not appreciate a child disrespecting me. Now sometimes his father does let him know to stop talking like that. But it bothers me because my nieces and nephews don't talk to me that way. And my fiancé gets mad at me sometimes when I'm discipline him (Telling him to stop and yelling at him). I'm tired and don't know what to do. This is somebody who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But idk. I don't know what to think. I just wished that he understood that my hormones are alllll over the place. Sorry for this long post but I had to rant to somebody. Is it just me or is anybody else experiencing their hormones out of control?