induction rates

I'm really amazed at the us system. Being from the uk we are very much expecting to go over 40 weeks. For induction to be for medical need if it's prior to 40 weeks. By medical need I mean life threatening to mother or baby. They will still try to wait to 39 weeks for this especially if it's a c section. Induction for beyond dates is usually 41+ usually 10 days over due. If we are expecting big babies we still follow normal protocol unless it's gestational diabetes. Yet in the us I've seen loads of babies induced early as they could be big or the Drs on holiday or I just want to be induced. Also c sections are done for big babies. Just because a mum is little doesn't mean she can't birth a 10lb baby. I don't know if it's an insurance thing or fear of litigation why they c section and induce so many. The risk of induction and c sections are far worse than letting someone go over 41 weeks. I'm not saying women are wrong by choosing this as its how things are done in the us or seem to be. I'm just wondering how they medically justify things like inducing labour just because a Drs on holiday. Especially if things were to go wrong during induction were an investigation into the birth would take place.