getting labs twice in a week

Had bloodwork done this morning to check my Hcg levels and progesterone and they  came back normal. But they want me to come back in in two days to test them again. Is that normal?!
I'm so nervous and anxious about everything!! 
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Posted at
They just want to see if it's doubling in numbers, very normal 


PC • Sep 27, 2016
Very welcome. Congrats lady!!


Lydia • Sep 27, 2016
Oh okay!! Thank you!


Posted at
This is my third pregnancy. I went last Tuesday, Friday, and today. My levels have all been fine. Tomorrow I will be 5 weeks. My doctor just like to make sure they are rising appropriately. 


Posted at
I think it depends on the doctor and your situation.Since this was my first time being pregnant, my doctor did no blood work for HCG.  I asked about it and he said they would if I had a previous miscarriages or was considered high risk.He said some other doctors might do it for everyone but since my insurance doesn't cover blood work, he wasn't going to suggest doing it if it wasn't necessary.


Lori • Sep 27, 2016
They usually want you to come back to see if your numbers are going up as expected


Lydia • Sep 27, 2016
My insurance covers everything 100% but I had to specifically request for them to do it. I just hope it's normal for me to have to go back!