TTC with a traveling hubby❤️ TMI

Abby • 👶🏼 Danny Lee 7/22/17 👼🏼 12/12/17 👶🏻 Deagon Levi 12/17/18 👶🏼 Daxxen 8/15/2020 Army wife 🇺🇸 Breastfeeding Mama 🤱🏼 Natural Birth Survivor x2
So my husband and I have been TTC for a year next month and I really really wanted to be on my a game this month in HOPES that this would be our month... today is day 14 of my cycle and my hubby left last night last minute for three nights. According to this app Saturday is our best day to get pregnant, he's supposed to get back then (but we all know how the military works) do you think two days not being intimate will effect our chances of pregnancy?