In love 👶🏻😘

Being a mother and having a baby is more than a cute pregnant belly, more than feeling the first kicks, more than a precious newborn that everyone oohs and ahhhs over, and more than just the excitement.
It's feet swelling, hips spreading, frequent potty breaks, insomnia,  kicks to the ribs followed by torn and stitched up lady bits or an incision on your belly, stretch marks, loose skin, post-partum hair loss, much bleeding, it's engorged leaky breasts, it's very tender and cracked bleeding nipples, it's up every 2 hours to feed the baby and when they cluster feed forget it, it's wishing baby would go to sleep so you can sleep and when they finally do you're too busy obsessing about SIDS, checking on them or you have to eat or use the restroom or shower (shower? What's that?), it's constantly worrying about your baby and crying because you love them so hard! It's screams in the middle of the store and consoling by nursing even though it's taboo for whatever reason, it's sharing your bed and only having a little corner to yourself, it's long nights, it's stopping what you're doing to comfort baby. It's poop, puke, pee, bath water all over you. It's second guessing yourself and having doubts that you're doing this right because you're dealing with unsolicited advice, mom bullies and people telling you what you can/can't or should/shouldn't do with YOUR child. It's loving someone more than you have ever loved anyone or anything before. It's being someone's lifeline. Someone's teacher, supporter, comfort blanket. It's the greatest and most rewarding job in the world that shouldn't be taken lightly. Motherhood is hard sometimes, but it's the best thing you will ever experience. It's happiness, it's pure joy, it's laughter, it's smiles, it's cuddles, it's feeling complete. It's feeling like you have purpose. It's loving unconditionally. It's warmth. It's all the good feels! It's all worth it. So worth it.
I should also mention that they are new at this and learning and that they depend on you so don't let them down, don't leave them to cry, cherish every moment because they are only little for a little while. They need you. They want you. They love you. 💙