my birth story!

So it all started on sept 8th I went for my 36 week check up I was having Braxton hicks but nothing serious. As the doctor proceed to check me she says "omg you are 2.5 cm open and his head is right there" she sends me home and tells me if your contraction come any stroger or water breaks go to the hospital. I was feeling great the next couple of days I went to work, walked around downtown basically just kept myself busy. On Monday sept 12th around 10pm I started feeling contractions they were about 15 mins apart. I just made me some nice hot tea took a nice hot shower and layed down. Tuesday sept 13th at 1:30 am I woke up with severe pain in my back and contractions were coming stronger they were now about 10-8 mins apart I undressed and just took another hot shower. I couldn't go back to sleep at all I stood up just walking around my living room my SO wakes up for work around 5:20 he seen I have as up and ask if I was ok is there anything he can do for me I simply said no I just need to go to the hospital by now contractions are 7-5 mins apart. I get to the hospital around 6:10 am an hour go by they check me and I'm still only 2.5 cm open they said ok we are gonna keep you for a while to see if you start to open up more. By 7:45 am they came to check again I was now 7 cm open they asked if I wanted epidural. As much pain I was in I decided not to get it hours go by and I'm still at 7 then around 11:30am my water breaks. At 12:20 I was now 9.5 cm they ask d if I wanted to try pushing I stated pushing and at 12:44 pm by baby boy was born. All natural no meds needed and I don't regret it at all I had no tears I didn't need any stitches baby boy came right out. Anya hope you ladies enjoyed.