No period after Mirena IUD for 4 months.. Worried

Just need a place to share my story, vent, and get advice... Kind of long. 
I had a Mirena IUD in for 4 months, and always had problematic symptoms with it. Pretty much every side effect, all very strong. I had to go to the ER after two days of horrible cramps and heavy bleeding because it got displaced and was slipping out. That was on August 14th and now near the end of December I still don't have my period. Just some rare light spotting. 
I am very worried because I had a D&C to remove uterine polyps (Endometrial Hyperplasia, complex, no atyp) and my lining tends to be thick. Last I checked 3 months ago it was 11mm. My gyn at the time said I have an excess of estrogen that makes the lining grow fast and polys can turn cancerous and I can experience complications if I try to get pregnant (not ttc, yet). The Mirena provided progesterone to balance that out. I also have PCOS, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, and am pre-diabetic. My testosterone levels are very high too. My gyn wanted to do another D&C and put another Mirena in me because apparently waiting a month after the first D&C to put the Mirena in, some polyps grew back and pushed it out. 
I have new insurance and doctors now but have foolishly put my health aside because it scares me and don't like thinking about it, but it lingers in my mind all the time. I went through all last year going back and forth to doctors offices across town and my mom is not available to take me all the time now. I don't have a car either and work now so it makes it harder. I don't like my new gyn (met her once last month) and am thinking of switching docs. She wanted me to take a progesterone pill for 7 days and keep a record of all bleeding but I have to work and am concerned about heavy bleeding through my khaki pants. I didn't feel like she really listened to me which I think is important. I have a phone appointment with her on the 24th so I'll keep this updated. 
Has anyone experienced problems like mine?