The missing magical bond

During pregnancy all anyone seems to say is how amazing and magical it is when you give birth. This can be true, it was my first born. I had an immediate bond with him. The feeling of love was overwhelming. However, what no one tells you is that sometimes it takes up to a month for that feeling. But I am here to tell you.
My daughter born as beautiful as can be. Gorgeous grey eyes, a lot of dark black hair, but merely eh. I didn't have that magical moment with her right away. In fact, I cried for two weeks straight. Everything was difficult from breastfeeding to mourning the fact that my son wasn't an only child anymore. I also cried over the guilt that I carried. How can I not be bonded, and magical with this brand new baby? Well, I wasn't and now that we are 5 weeks PP, I finally looked at her last week and viewed her differently. It's okay if it's not there, so many of my mom friends helped me through this. So many of them went through the same thing. Done having multiple kids with out ever feeling an instant bond. 
Please, don't kick yourself over it. You're not a bad mom, it happens and is real.