still in pain! 😩

I'm 5.5 weeks PP and still in pain 😒 I had a forcep delivery which included a catheta, episiotomy and my baby was 8.10Ib. They took a while to stitch me up as they said I was ripped inside and they had to sort out how I looked down there. My stitch has healed but my stitches which were meant to have dissolved by 2 weeks are still coming out now (from inside) and my labia, urethra and clitoris hurt 24/7 like a burning pain all in the skin and inside like severe bruising, burning, cut like pain. The only way to relieve it is to apply pressure and peeing is hell Coz I feel like I'm being pulled down. My doctor took urine sample and swabs for testing but had no idea what it could be. No one has been able to relate to this and it's scaring me. Anyone have any insights? 💗 thank you 💗