blood at 8wks help plz!

Maria • Married to my love 10-2-2015. We have a smart 11 yo and one on the way 🌈 💕
I'm 8w2d today. This morning I went to use the restroom and upon finishing and wiping I noticed I had brown discharge (it looked like old blood). I checked the bowl and it was also brown with what looked like the sinking line of blood that happens when you're on your last days of your period. I have no cramping or back pain. I have a high pain tolerance also. It's Sunday and we have our first u/s scan tomorrow morning. My husband says if it's not hurting to wait and see what happens tomorrow. Its also not due to sex bc we haven't had any since I got pregnant. We had a miscarriage in January and we had a ton of sex then. So we aren't having any now until we speak to the Dr. Did this happen to anyone during their first trimester? Could it be twins? Is it a miscarriage even though I don't have pain? 
UPDATE: The blood is now redder and still not considered a lot. I have called the after hours nurse advice # and was sent to urgent care to check. Still no pain. Keep your fingers crossed that everything is ok!