Won't be with me unless I move in with him and his family?

I've loved with them for about 5 months and I went back home. I was living with my boyfriend cause of family issues and them causing chaos to our relationship. He says when I go back home, I change... like my way of thinking and behavior. But I don't see myself change. My family despises him, thinks he's bad for me and holding me back from life. But I don't see it that way. I want to live at home, in my room with my belongings. I just got a job and my goal is to start saving to move out. He says we can only work if I am out of that place. He says my mom tries to brain wash me. I only see my mom doing what is best for me. I don't want to live with him because it's kind of shitty to live at someones house and not pay rent, eat their food and occupy their space without contributing. He says our relationship is best when they're not in the picture since they have been trying to tear us apart since day one. I love this guy to pieces but I can't chose him over my mom and he tells me I can't have both. I am so filled with anxiety right now, I don't know what to do.