hcg level dropped

Went to the er after having 4 positive preg tests , because I was having cramping , took a urine ,blood test and ultrasound.
Found that I was pregnant through urine, blood test showed lowed hcg 141 , and ultrasound which they did not show me they said they couldn't see a baby seen a cyst on my right side , the er doctor did a pelvic exam and noticed my uterus was tilted (but that isn't anything to be worried about) . She then told me to come back 48 hrs because she said my hcg was low for a 5week pregnancy .
So I did just that ... and got a blood test and ultrasound agian they did say titled uterus makes it harder to see the baby and hear its heartbeat which They didn't show me again.. but bad news my hcg Levels dropped to 84 ... I also started bleeding brown blood today .. so they told me it's most likely I'm having a miscarriage. 
Has anyone's LEVELS dropped and picked up again? I need to go get another blood test in 2 days I'm praying for the best ... but I'm scared they are right because my bleeding has increased .. but the color is brown 😕.