Feeling a little left out.

I'll be 21 in four months. And in four months my son will be two and I'll be giving birth to a girl. I got pregnant at 18 with my son. Now I love my kids to death and would not trade having them. And my husband is amazing at planning family time and wanting to do stuff all together. But sometimes I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on fun adult things 😑. Like when my friends with no kids want to go to a movie or dinner spontaneously and I can't. Or like tonight when my husband and his best friend are out at an awesome concert I REALLY wish I could be at. I don't get mad over it and I am totally fine with knowing this is part of being a parent. And I know one day I will have my social life back, one upside to being a young parent! But I can't help but feel a little sad that I won't have the typical young adulthood experiences. Right now it seems like forever away!