Fibromyalgia and chronic pain is not real!!??

💜 I have had people tell me that Fibromyalgia is not real. I have also heard others tell me that they have had similar experiences. All I can say is that it is real. I do have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome myself, but I post this for those who have to deal with the constant non support from their loved ones.  I can say with 100% certainty that it is real because I've experienced it first hand.  Thankfully, it is better in some ways now. It has actually made me a stronger person and still does so. The picture shows me on the left at my most active stage. I was pretty much a gym rat. On the right,  shows me one year with fibromyalgia and the other conditions. (I have had it for over 3 years now) I  gained about 30 lbs.  The weight gain was only the part that you could see.   I started getting really sick just one month after I got married in 2013. It got to the point to where I could barely walk after my day of teaching, and my belly would be bloated like a balloon almost daily. We even put off TTC because I could barely take care of myself let alone a newborn baby. (Still TTC by the way, but has come with new challenges, but we have faith). Still, I would have people telling me that it's not a real condition and it's just poor eating habits.  It hurt because why in the world would I allow myself to purposefully change so much physically and put on an act!? I still deal with it on a daily basis, but I have taken steps to change certain things (no more meds for example), and I'm doing better overall. The point of this post is this: I have a few friends who also deal with this and or other chronic conditions like Lupus. It's not fake. Let's support our loved ones no matter what health conditions they have rather than put each other down. 💜