Rant about my MIL!!๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ 

I am 8 months pregnant and my mil and her daughter have come to visit us from India. My hubby and I are being nice to them and trying hard to give them all they need ...a few incidents which I recall on top of my head pissed me off which I am sharing with you -

Trip incident: week 34 of pregnancy, we took them to lake Tahoe ... on the day of return, it was supposed to snow ...since it was the first time my hubby ever drove while it would snow, we wanted to come back ASAP!

We covered most of the places except for one small lake abt 30 miles from lake Tahoe . It was already snowing heavily and my hubby and I wanted to head back taking the shortest route possible instead of taking the 30 mile deviation. However my MIL didnt like the fact that we opted safety of the baby and others over her visiting this spot and made this big face and stopped talking to both of us through out our journey!!!

The water incident:

My MIL needed some water for her daughter and there was already some left in our filter which was a day old . However she didn't take the water instead poured the water into a bottle and gave it to my hubby in case we needed water to drink during the night and poured fresh water into the filter for her daughter... I am ok to drink that water however I am pissed with the order of importance given and how selfish she is !

Many such incidents have happened which are getting on my nerves. Thankfully my mom is also with me to take care of me . I am trying to overlook the "double helicopter mom" parenting towards my 25 year old SIL who doesn't help out in one single thing at our place, not sure how much I can over look though!