My Birth Story

This is a long story! 
Our little girl Daisy Grace was due today October 4, 2016. She was born on September 28, 2016 at 12:40 p.m. Weighing 6lbs 7oz and she was 19 inches long.  I went to my 39 week appointment expecting a normal quick appointment with a cervix check, heart rate check etc. however when my Dr was trying to listen to our little girls heart rate it kept dropping below 120bpm so they hooked me up for an NST to monitor her. Over the next 30 minutes we watched my little girls heart rate go from normal to below 110 and bounce back and forth. I told my Dr that she hadn't been moving as much as normal, and she told me that with that information and her heart rate she wanted to induce me that night. So my hubby and I made our trip to the hospital after dropping our boys off at my parents. We started the induction at 11 pm with MISO (pill inserted into cervix to make it sofen and shorten) and waited the four hours to see how much work it would do. After 4 hours I was cramping so much that they couldn't do a second dose of MISO so they waited an hkurnand hooked me up to pitocin. My OB came in to check on me the next morning and I was stuck at 3cm 70%effaced, and she decided to break my water to help get things moving faster. After she broke my water my contractions started coming hard and frequent. I was having 30-40 second contractions every 1 1/2 - 2 minutes. I got my epidural, and waited for my labor to progress. About an hour and half after I got my epidural my labor nurse was coming in to give me oxygen because my little girls heart rate was dropping down into the 80's. I laid there in tears for 30 minutes as they tried to get her heart rate to come back up by pushing fluids back into my uterus to cushion her. They kept turning the pitocin off but I wasn't progressing on my own. I asked my nurse about a c-section because I was so afraid of losing her (she is my third child, and I had my boy vaginally, so I was dreading the possibility of a C-section but I was ready to do anything to get her here safely) Right after I mentioned this to my nurse (her name is Hooda by the way) I started to feel really bad contractions despite not having been able to feel any since they had put the epidural in. I told my nurse and she check to see if I had made any progress, and sure enough I was at 9.5 cm. They called my OB and got the resident dr in my room right away! They wanted me to try not to push until my OB came to deliver, but I couldn't wait. I needed to push! After two big pushes she was here. We delayed her cord clamping until the sac stopped pulsating, and that is when we found out how much of a miricle our little girl being born was. She had a knot in her umbilical cord, which is what was causing her heart rate to drop so low. I am so beyond grateful that the knot stayed loose enough that she was able to be born alive! Things could have ended much differently. I feel so blessed to have our little girl in my arms!