Quick labor for a FTM

This is my little Emily.

As a FTM, I was told over and over again that my labor would be long at least 12 or more hours. Well, my first contraction hit at 3am Sept 18. They were coming hard and fast, but I thought this was normal and that I would be like this for hours.

Finally called the Dr at about 5am because I felt like they were becoming very intense. The Dr met me at her clinic to check me about 5.30am and informed me I was already 9cm dilated! It was time to head to the Hospital. The hospital is the next town over so that was quite an interesting drive! But the Dr assured me I had time to make it there. We hadn't even packed the hospital bags yet!

I had hoped to be able to have a drug free delivery but by this time I wanted an epidural... but it was too late! Arrived at the hospital and had the urge to push.

Baby wasn't in the right position so they had to call in another Dr to help move her. Then her heart rate started dropping so they had to use the vacuum to assist in getting her out quickly. She came out healthy and screaming!

Only 5 hours after my first contraction. I did have a 2nd degree tear but it's healing quickly.

My precious little girl.
