First time mom here (help)

Leamsy • Getting ready for baby number 2!
Im 34 weeks at 3 days. Today i woke up with cramps and my stomach was tightening like every 15 min i tried going back to sleep and again the cramps would wake me up. So finally when i got up i had a ton of pressure in my vagina and also a bit of pressure in my anus. Again i go on with my day the cramps are still their i have backach, ill randomly leak a little so i have to change my underwear. its nothing i cant handle but its very uncomfortable. Its now 9pm and i still have pressure the cramp pains comes and goes depending how im laying my back still hurts and my stomach tightens up every 15-45 min and its been like this all day. Is this normal should i be concerned? Any one else going through this?