Super shocked...It's a girl

I've said all along I'm having a boy without ever knowing this to be true, it's what I had my heart set on. I have my 20 week scan next Thursday but couldn't wait so had a private gender scan this evening. My SO has 3 girls from 2 previous relationships, 13, 12 and 14 months. He's always wanted to know the gender, at first I didn't but changed my mind as time went on. So this evening when the sonographer told us we were having a girl I was disappointed but still happy. However on the drive home I asked my SO if he was happy and he just said "another girl" sarcastically and in a way that he couldn't give a shit what it was. I asked him what's wrong and his reply was simply put "I've got 3 girls" and "nothing to be excited about"...I'm fuming!! Yes I was disappointed but I find his reaction a bit horrible.