so overwhelmed/sad

I am 31 weeks And last night I went to the hospital because I was having contraction like pains every 3 minutes. This lasted for quite some time. I was checked to see if I was dilating and I wasn't(which is good news). They gave me a shot to relax my muscles and that helped a lot but ever since I got home from the hospital this morning around 3am my stomach is so sore😔 it hurts to walk or move at all. On top of all ready feeling really crappy I'm really emotional. I just feel so sad but it's because my hubby didn't really say anything to make me feel better. He's deployed so I know he can't do anything physically but he couldn't even message me and say hope you're feeling better or anything yet he had the time to post and share things on Facebook. Like he's the one person I want to hear from and I haven't. Just having a weird day......