Thought I Miscarried 😭

This past Thursday I took three home pregnancy test and they all came out positive.
I was freaking out I didn't know what to do I was happy yet scared. But as the day went on I accepted it.
But as Friday came along I started feeling sick and crampy. Half way through the day i randomly started bleeding a lot while we were at a Walmart! Thank god I had a panty liner on and rushed to the bathroom but it was scary cus I thought I knew what happened. I cried but tried to stay strong. 
We seen a doctor, had a vaginal ultrasound. That came up empty. My pregnancy hormones test all came back positive so my doctor warned me of two things, it was most like a miscarriage (because they couldn't see anything down there, and why my levels were normal for how far along I was.) or it could be an ectopic pregnancy.
I was scared and I thought for sure I had a miscarriage. I cried so much thinking I just flushed my poor baby down a Walmart toilet. I can't even think about how horrible that feeling is without tearing up. 
Monday we went back to get more blood work done like the doc recommended to do after a couple of days, and then waited a few more days till they got the results. Well it looks like my hormones had doubled. So seems like it is an ectopic pregnancy! 😰 
I honestly don't know what to even think now or if everything is going to be ok!