A long journey

It has been 4 years of trying, 7 miscarriages, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> tried and failed, and too many tears to count. There was a point in time I looked at my
Husband and said "have you ever thought 'what if we never have a family?' Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we can't ever have children?" At the time he told me- no, he'd never thought about it before, but now he would be thinking about it. We discussed what goals and things we'd do differently if our lives couldn't revolve around our children if we were never blessed with any. 
Shortly after "that talk", we found out we were pregnant again....only this time we carried her beyond the usual 8 weeks!! We had sonogram pictures to brag and be excited about, we felt her kicking and moving inside me...this time I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl and we finally met her!!!