Natural Hair Help ?🤔

TJ • 23. Bi. Gamer. Just trackin the ol’ Flo.
Not THAT kind. Lol recently, I've decided to stop straightening my hair, and embrace my natural curls. But my hair is so temperamental. And mixed. It's very thick, from both parents. But my mom is black, and my dad is white, and my sisters get gorgeous natural curls without even trying and when I try to not try, it looks a hot mess. The back of it, by my neck looks like I curl it with big curlers and the front, by my forehead looks frizzy and angry as fuck. And everything in between just does whatever. I dunno if it's how I'm brushing it or the products I'm using. It's very frustrating. So, I'm curious for those that wear their hair natural; what products do you use, and what I should try to get nice curls rather than half frizzy/half curled. Thank you.