Just need a vent.

So beyond done with my inlaws.

My little boy is 11 days old and they haven't made the slighest bit of effort to come see him.. I was so strict on the no vaccination no visit, but my boyfriend started feeling down that they hadn't met him. So we took him there, but stayed outside, cause he had jaundice and it was a nice day.

Although we dont want him in that house, due to dirty rats and heavy smokers.

He spent almost a week in special care and the only person to try from my boyfriends side, was my boyfriends dad. While i was in labour his mum messaged asking for money... fucking money...

We went there today, as much as i didnt wanna go inside i had to cause bubs was screaming for a feed.. she cuddled him for 5 minutes, handed him to me and went outside to smoke cones... Im glad she went outside... But she makes NO effort to come to us, doesnt call or text to see how we are.. Didn't even bother while he was in hospital, nothing..

Im SO strict on the wear a jumper if ya going to smoke, take it off before holding him and wash your hands. She didnt even bother eith him once she came inside...

Is it bad of me for not wanting to take him there anymore, not until she makes effort first? :(