So so nervous


*** update - it looks like my baby's heart is on the wrong side of her body, they also think she might have club foot and a clenched hand which points to signs of chromosomal abnormality. Back to hospital on Monday morning to check if anything has changed and if not will need to do amniocentesis. Will also need to see the specialist heart doctor. My poor baby girl I really really hope whatever is wrong she can still live a happy life. Me and her daddy will love her so so much if we get the chance. I feel like my heart is breaking right now ***

So yesterday I had my 20 week scan, they sent me off for a walk and tried again 3 times because baby was in an awkward position and wouldn't move. At the end they got a second opinion and in an hour or so I'm back to the hospital in just over an hour to see the fetal medicine team. They were concerned that baby didn't shift position much especially arms and legs in over two hours, and they think her head is measuring about a week behind and is oval in shape. They started talking about potential tests for disability etc. I sobbed all through the referral yesterday and on and off the rest of the day. I'm so worried my little baby isn't going to be ok. Please keep your fingers crossed for me and let me know if you've had similar scares and how it all turned out. Thank you xxxx