Anyone else find a lack of symptoms to be disconcerting?

I am 5w2d with my rainbow baby right now and with my last pregnancy I got every symptom in the book and they hit hard. Granted, I was only a stay at home wife and had nothing to do but lay around and think about how nauseous and tired and sore I was. I am now working full time with this pregnancy and I do feel unbelievably tired, and my boobs are a tiny bit sore, and I can smell EVERYTHING, But that's about it, and it's terrifying me that something is wrong. My first sign of miscarriage last time was all my symptoms just kinda disappearing. Anybody else have varying symptoms with different oregnancies? Some heavy, some light? I am trying really hard not to stress about this but it's scaring me so badly. Every little cramp and twinge I get, I instantly flash back to losing my baby and it's not good. I need some encouragement ladies. 

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