30 weeks blood in urine

So it started as I was at work at the beginning of my shift I got really bad pain in my side/back tried too just shrug it off cus I had work to do and can't miss any more work. The. I almost wanted to cry . And then it eased off and I begun having cramps in the front . I went to the bathroom peed and noticed it was red . I know the difference from blood coming from vaginal and blood in your pee and was 100℅ certain it was in my pee so I had to ouch my self to finish the rest of my shift . Call my dr they said to go.into labor and delivery it's about 11 pm now we get there they monitored baby he was perfectly fine and established I had blood in my urine but baby was okay so sent me on my way . I've never had them not figure out what the issue was ? So I'm unsure of what to do I called my dr today and was supposed to go into the lab to give some pee but unfortunately I can't until tomorrow morning . So I'm stuck here like eh . What's going on?? I'm hoping it's a kidney stone as I had them before 😪