My Personal Journey to Pregnancy

Lili • TTC 2 years 1st IUI: BFP 9/30/16 MC 11/5/16 4 IUIs: 🚫 7th IUI: BFP 10/27/17 EDD 7/08/18🍾 🎉 🎊🍀🤰🏽👶🏽 Baby Girl Itzel Alba born 7/6/18
When me & my husband started our TTC journey in October 2015, I thought getting pregnant would be the easy part. I got pregnant the third time I had sex, but that was 17 years ago. Like many women who have had an abortion at a younger age I often questioned if I had lost the opportunity to have a child on the year long process to get pregnant. Finally in April of 2016 we were able to move forward by seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist & getting tested for infertility. Unfortunately, due to a gap in insurance coverage for my husband that we had to remedy, we had to wait until August 2016 to start with our course of treatment. My RE put me on Metformin & I waited for my September cycle to start before we did an <a href="">IUI</a> (Intrauterine Insemimation) with Clomid. Apparently it worked & I got my positive blood test on Friday 9/30. I'd tell anyone going through this to empower yourself with knowledge by getting tested & diagnosed as soon as possible! Knowledge is power & it helps you move forward. I still have a way to go before I know this pregnancy will stick, but at least I know it can happen! Good luck to all!