I feel bad, but don't have much time since I'm 8cm dilated


My mom is aggressive and always said she'd be in the room when I gave birth. I never said it would happen i usually said something like idk or we'll have to see. I feel bad because my sister told me she was crying like crazy after I told her she can't be in here the whole time. She even said she'd just stand behind the curtain. She really wants to be there for me but my SO doesn't want her in here. Idc as long as she remains calm. Is there something I can say to make her feel better? I'm trying to let her baby me so she feels needed by clipping my nails and stuff. Idk what to do.. any advice? I'm such a softy

UPDATE my mom ended up trying to take over my SO's roll which pissed him off and made me uncomfortable so I asked her to leave and she wouldn't get out until nurses made her. Then she came back minutes later and hide in the hallway. I felt bad bc another nurse yelled at her and I know she was acting crazy out of love. I called her between contractions to come see his head that was visible when I pushed.. she said it's pointless and she'll just see him when he gets here.. so I had him and she was sitting in the car with one of my sisters. I asked her to come meet her first grandchild and she left. She won't speak to me and told my sisters that my SO ruined HER moment.. I'm sorry but it was OUR moment and since she's always walked all over me I can't feel that bad for her. She causes so much unnecessary stress in my life but I always help her more than I should. I guess she isn't coming to visit my baby boy since she won't reply to my messages. How selfish can she be?