Ring test

April • Registered nurse, mother and wife. Trying for #3 for 6.5 years. Visit www.thesoapdaddy.com for all your bath relaxation needs!

Has anyone tried the thread of hair and a ring test to see how many kids you will have and their genders in the correct order? I got girl, boy, girl. The first two were accurate. I'm hoping to find out if the third is accurate. Still trying for baby #3.

I copied the link to the video. If you have Facebook, you should be able to view it.


I don't know if you can copy and paste it. So basically, you take a thread of your hair and put your ring on it. You then let it swing in-between each of your fingers on your left hand from one side of your hand and back. Then you hold it over the top of your hand. If it swings back and forth, girl. If it swings in a circle, boy. You repeat it until when you place it back over your hand it stops moving.

Edit: I have had some friends do it that have had their tubes tied and it was accurate for them. It also included any miscarriages that they've had.