Sleeping in the hospital

Yesterday, I started bleeding A LOT while my fiance and I were fooling around and I had to go to the hospital. I was going into preterm labour so they had me on a bunch of monitors and moved me to a different hospital because the one I went to doesn't deliver babies earlier than 36 weeks and I'm only 34 weeks. Contractions have stopped and so has bleeding but they're keeping me till Saturday to monitor me and my baby and I can't sleep AT ALL, I was up from 2 AM Thursday morning to 2 AM this morning (Friday) and I slept till now (5:15) and can't fall asleep again and getting kinda frustrated. Any tips?? It's my first time spending the the night in a hospital other than when my fiance was in for appendix surgery but I wasn't getting monitored then
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Try asking for some Tylenol PM. I spent Wednesday in L&D with contractions. They sent me home because I wasn't dialating past 1 cm. The nurse told me to try taking Tylenol PM, and it helped a bit. Now if I could only get them to send me home with a cathider so I don't have to get up every hour and a half to pee! Lol


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Unfortunately I've never gotten good sleep when I've been admitted to the hospital. Not even on good drugs 😉 Plus, in the 3rd trimester I've found it impossible to sleep. That could be contributing to your sleepless nights/days.


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I spent a week in the hospital for pneumonia a few years back - noise cancelling headphones and an eye shade were the best things ever.


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Get some ear plugs or ear buds hooked up to really soft white noise. Your body will not rest well while it's subconsciously hearing unfamiliar noises and will wake you up.


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I know it's not ideal, but you could ask for some gravol?I remember when I was in the hospital delivering my angel they gave me some gravol so I could get some rest, relax and be comfortable.  It helped me get some rest before a very long day of labour and emotions.