Biting your tongue

I had my son in April and since then I've noticed an increase of fighting and arguing with my husband.. he wants to help with my son but it's just not help, he does things wrong or takes forever and the baby is crying, etc.  we've been married a year and a half. I'm getting ready to go stay with my dad for a few nights because I'm just irraited. He spends mostly all day playing video games, looking at YouTube videos and  watching tv shows while I spend my whole day committed to my baby. Feeding , changing, entertaining, playing, etc and I breastfeed. 
It's like I never get a break, while he gets to do whatever he wants. Then when we argue he just leaves me with the baby and goes in his man cave. I literally have a headache and I'm just stressed out. My love for my husband is just blah right now because I'm so irraited with his attitude towards being a new parent. I do all the housework and he cant even do the dishes for one day. So then I get mad and yell or speak what's on my mind. 
Have any other mommies felt this too? Or am I just crazy !? How do I learn to bite my tongue and just say "fuck u" in my head and let it go!?