trying to stay positive, please pray!

This week has been so hard we had our 18wk visit for measurements and to check my cervix long story short baby is great but my cervix is open my doctor did emergency surgery and inserted a cerclage (dont know if I spelled it right) we went home hopeful that this would work and I would stay on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. On Friday I notice some water leakage and called my doctor right away he send me to the hospital right away. So I did as told we got to the hospital and they confirm it was my water and I was leaking amniotic fluid. The on call doctor didn't give us much hope and said they would need to take out the cerclage and that we would wait to see if I would get and infection in that case they would have to deliver me and I would loose my baby. 😔 my doctor finally showed and she took a look herself to make sure that it was correct my amniotic fluid. She confirmed and said she run blood work to see if I have an infection. She said as long as I don't have contractions and don't have an infection they can try to keep me on bed rest until 24wks where they would start pumping me full of meds to help baby be able to survive! She said she wasn't very hopeful but wanted to be realistic with us. 
My husband and I cried and cried. Nurses hooked me up to an IV. A couple hours went by and still no contraction I have some inflammation that can lead to an infection from the cerclage being placed! She said she would have the speacialist come later and see how things where going. It was hard to eat but I knew my lil guy needed food. Finally around 2am the specialist showed and did and ultrasound! She said baby looks great, heart is where it should be and that he still had some amniotic fluid. She said as long as he stays where he is at and doesn't move down my cervix we might have a chance. She then explained that if infection where to come we would have to deliver.  We are trying to stay hopeful and asking for prayers this is our first baby and our so scare to loose him!