
Getting an IUD placed this week! Very nervous! Any advice or anything you girls want to lend me?  ðŸ˜¶
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Okay I'm going to be real. It hurts real bad for a few second and then it immediately subsides to general cramp feeling for a few days. My doctor had me take ibuprofen an hour before and then again three hours after. I took it regularly for 4 days and then it became completely manageable. Make sure you don't have anything to do after the procedure. Go straight home, take a nice hot bath, and curl up in bed with some Netflix. Just straight pamper mode like you do when you have period cramps. It's well worth it to me! I've had mine for about a month. I have occasional light cramping and I'm spotting a lot but it's seriously helped my libido! My birth control pills were killing my moods in every way. 


Bunny • Oct 15, 2016
How are you feeling? Glad you took great care of yourself!


Kyrsten • Oct 15, 2016
I had an excellent me day yesterday! And I'm having a me day today! I am gonna go with some friends to watch a drag show tonight!


Kyrsten • Oct 10, 2016
Thank you so much!


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I had to take a pill to open up my cervix area because I haven't had kids, and I was having mirena placed...I would recommend taking a pill the dr recommends to relax that opening before inserting an IUD, it really helped ease the process:)


Taylor • Oct 15, 2016
Enjoy it! I love mine:) but the only problem I have is that it makes me moody 😂


Kyrsten • Oct 15, 2016
I had to take that! It did help but TMI it put me into a spontaneous period. Well I was still on it but it was very light but it made it heavier. It was not good! But I'm doing a lot better! I'm just light spotting and it's the first full day so I'm taking that as a good sign!


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i just took some ibuprofen beforehand and kept taking it with paracetamol during the day and was fine, it really helped!! good luck!


Kyrsten • Oct 15, 2016
Thank you! & that's what I'm doing! Today is my first full day. I got it placed yesterday at 2:15! It wasn't as bad as I thought


Posted at
Just got mine today and the nurse reccomened eating before and after? I didn't eat before, but eating right after helped distract me from the cramps... I also second the lazy day advice from above!


Kyrsten • Oct 15, 2016
Yes! I just got in done yesterday and I didn't eat at all before because I was nervous. But eating after really did help. Today isn't to bad if I take ibuprofen. Hahah